Preface - Chris Yapp General Introduction to the Handbook - Belle Wallace, Dorothy A. Sisk, and John Senior SECTION 1: Concepts of Giftedness and Identification: Social and Emotional Needs Introduction to Section 1 - Dorothy A. Sisk Chapter 1: Is Gifted Education on the Right Path? - Robert J. Sternberg Chapter 2: Spiritual Intelligence: Developing Higher Consciousness - Dorothy A. Sisk Chapter 3: Exchanging Giftedness for a Better Gift - Janet E. Davidson Chapter 4: Tapping the Untapped - Untold Stories: Revisiting the Concept of Giftedness through the Mirror of Multi-Cultural India - Krishna Maitra and Yukti Sharma Chapter 5: Honoring Differences: Improving the Representation of Culturally Different Gifted Students based on Equity - Donna Y. Ford, Ramon B. Goings, Jemimah L. Young, and Brian L. Wright Chapter 6: Creativity and Genius - Dean Keith Simonton Chapter 7: Why Bother Being Different? The Role of Intrinsic Motivation in Creativity - Kelsey Procter Finley and Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi Chapter 8: New Dynamic Approach to Measure Creativity: Implications for Indentification and Education - Taisir Subhi Yamin Chapter 9: Profoundly Gifted: Outliers among the Outliers - Stephanie Tolan Chapter 10: Eminence in Talented Women by Domain: Issues, Similarities, and Differences Utilizing the Piirto Pyramid as a Theoretical Framework - Jane Piirto Chapter 11: Accepting Exceptionality: Giftedness and ADHD - Kelly M. Lee and F. Richard Olenchak Chapter 12: Hidden Treasures: Twice Exceptional Students - Linda Kreger Silverman Chapter 13: Serving and Honoring Gender Diversity in Education - Robert W. Seney Chapter 14: The Emotional Development of the Gifted and Talented - Joan Freeman Chapter 15: Friendships of Gifted Children and Youth: Updated Insights and Understanding - Bruce M. Shore, Tanya Chichekian, Petra D.T. Gyles, and Cheryl L. Walker Chapter 16: Parental Influence on Perfectionism among Chinese Gifted Children in Hong Kong - Lai-kwan Chan SECTION 2: Educational Provision: Programs and Strategies Introduction to Section 2 - Belle Wallace Chapter 17: Building Knowledge Bridges: Synthesising early years and gifted education research and practice to provide an optimal start for young gifted children - Margaret Sutherland and Niamh Stack Chapter 18: Engineering the Schoolwide Enrichment Model: A Case Study of the Process of Change in Education - Joseph S. Renzulli and Sally M. Reis Chapter 19: TASC: Thinking Actively in a Social Context: a universal Framework for Developing Thinking Skills and Problem-solving Across the Curriculum - Belle Wallace and Harvey B. Adams Chapter 20: Real Engagement in Active Problem Solving: An International Collaboration - C. June Maker and Randy Pease Chapter 21: Designing Dynamic Learning Spaces for Gifted Learners: Authentic, Augmented and Actualized Places and Placements - Gillian Eriksson Chapter 22: How to Create and Sustain a Culture of Excellence that benefits Highly Able Students to enter Top Research Universities - Ian Warwick Chapter 23: Meta-analysis of 26 Forms of Academic Acceleration: Options for Elementary (Primary) and Secondary Learners with Gifts or Talents - Karen B. Rogers Chapter 24: What works better than the rest? The impact of various curricula provisions for gifted learners - Janna Wardman and John Hattie Chapter 25: Continuum of Differentiation - Sandra N. Kaplan Chapter 26: The National Mentoring program in Israel: A model for developing leadership among highly gifted students - Rachel Zorman, Menachem Nadler, Pnina Zeltser, and Zipi Bashan Chapter 27: Capacities, Challenges, and Curriculum for Australian learners with exceptional potential for English-language learning - Aranzazu M. Blackburn and Susen R. Smith Chapter 28: Career-life counselling for the gifted in sub-Saharan Africa - Jacobus G. Maree Chapter 29: Recognizing, Developing and Offering Talents as Educational Gifts through Living Theory Research - Jack Whitehead and Marie Huxtable Section 3: Global Responses to Emerging G&T Provision: Defining the Future Introduction to Section 3 - John Senior Chapter 30: The Education of Highly Able Children in England: Challenges and Achievements - Hilary Lowe Chapter 31: Creativity Competition for Gifted Students' Communication and Self-Esteem Development - Finarya Legoh Chapter 32: Gifted Education in Brazil: Historical Background, Current Practices and Research Trends - Eunice M.L. Soriano de Alencar, Denise de Souza Fleith, and Liliane Bernades Carneiro Chapter 33: New Century Gifted Education in Mainland China - Jiannong Shi and Pin Li Chapter 34: Gifted Education in Asia: Vision and Capacity - David Yun Dai Chapter 35: Developments and Issues of Gifted Education in Taiwan - Ching-Chih Kuo Chapter 36: Development of Gifted Education in Turkey - Ugur Sak, Bahadir Ayas, Bilge Bal-Sezerel, N. Nazli OEzdemir, Ercan OEpengin & Sule Demirel Chapter 37: Gifted Education in Europe - Andrzej E. Sekowski, Barbara Cichy-Jasiocha, Martyna Pludowska Chapter 38: Giftedness in a Context of 21st-Century Globalization - Don Ambrose Chapter 39: The creative being and being creative: human machine neural networks - Eva Gyarmathy Chapter 40: Gifted Education: The Future Awaits - Ken McCluskey Conclusion - Belle Wallace, Dorothy A. Sisk, and John Senior