Qualitative Research 5/e


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Edited by David Silverman
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David Silverman trained as a sociologist at the London School of Economics and the University of California, Los Angeles. He taught for 32 years at Goldsmiths, University of London, where he is now Emeritus Professor in the Sociology Department as well as Visiting Professor in the Business Schools, King's College, London, Leeds University and University of Technology Sydney and Adjunct Professor, Faculty of Education, Queensland University of Technology. He is interested in conversation and discourse analysis and he has researched medical consultations, shelters for homeless people and HIV-test counselling. He is the author of Doing Qualitative Research (sixth edition, 2022) and A Very Short, Fairly Interesting, Reasonably Cheap Book about Qualitative Research (second edition, 2013c). He is the editor of Qualitative Research (fifth edition, 2021) and the Sage series Introducing Qualitative Methods. In recent years, he has offered short, hands-on workshops in qualitative research for universities in Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia. Now retired from full-time work, he aims to watch 100 days of county cricket a year. He also enjoys spending time with his grandchildren and great-grandsons as well as voluntary work in an old people's home where he chats and sings with residents.

PART I SETTING THE SCENE Chapter 1: Introducing Qualitative Research - David Silverman Chapter 2: Addressing Social Problems through Qualitative Research - Ross Koppel and Joel Telles Chapter 3: Research Ethics: Between Care and Control - Anne Ryen PART II INTERVIEWS AND FOCUS GROUPS Chapter 4: The `Inside' and the `Outside': Finding Realities in Interviews - Jody Miller and Barry Glassner Chapter 5: Interviewing as a form of Narrative Practice - James A. Holstein and Jaber F. Gubrium Chapter 6: Analysing Focus Group Data - Sue Wilkinson PART III ETHNOGRAPHY Chapter 7 Ethnographic Approaches: Types, Trends and Themes - Giampietro Gobo and Erika Cellini Chapter 8: Organizational Ethnography - Thomas Eberle and Christoph Maeder Chapter 9: Practising Reflexivity in Ethnography - Marie Buscatto PART IV TEXTS Chapter 10: Analysing Documents Through Fieldwork - Katarina Jacobsson Chapter 11: Using Documents in Social Research - Lindsay Prior PART V TALK Chapter 12: Discursive Psychology and Naturally Occurring Talk - Jonathan Potter Chapter 13: Conversation Analysis: Practices and Methods - John Heritage PART VI EXPANDING TECHNOLOGIES Chapter 14: Using Conversation Analysis and Discursive Psychology to Analyse Online Data - Joanne Meredith Chapter 15: Critical Discourse Studies and Social Media Data - Johann W. Unger, Ruth Wodak and Majid Khosravinik Chapter 16: Working with Video and Online Data: From Field Work to Analysis - Susan Danby PART VII VISUAL DATA Chapter 17: Visual Research: Issues and Developments - Michael Emmison Chapter 18: Embodied Action: Video and the Analysis of Social Interaction - Christian Heath PART VII QUALITATIVE DATA ANALYSIS Chapter 19: Some Pragmatics of Qualitative Data Analysis - Tim Rapley Chapter 20: Multimethod Qualitative Research - Nanna Mik-Meyer Chapter 21: Constructing Grounded Theory Analyses - Kathy Charmaz and Antony Bryant Chapter 22: Narrative Approaches to Social Science - Barbara Czarniawska Chapter 23: Systematic Reviews and Qualitative Studies - Mary Dixon-Woods Chapter 24: Secondary Analysis of Qualitative Data - Libby Bishop Chapter 25: Validity in Qualitative Research - Anssi Peraekylae Chapter 26: Writing Qualitative Research: Practice, Genre, and Audience - Amir Marvasti

This book of readings provides us with a wealth of varied advice enlightening the researcher about the exciting world of qualitative research. I recommend the book without hesitation. -- David Avison David Silverman's Qualitative Research, now in its 5th edition, is a storehouse of readily accessible approaches to doing qualitative research. it combines in depth focus with broad coverage - an essential resource for researchers requiring up to date advice on the latest approaches to this burgeoning field of research and study. -- Stewart Clegg The fifth edition of this advanced reader in qualitative methods has retained and added to its stunning line-up of authors, increasing and updating its breadth and depth to present leading accounts of the fast moving field of social media analysis and the use of video and other visual data, in addition to a wide range of other methods used by qualitative researchers. This book will really help qualitative researchers think through and enhance their practice and I recommend it -- Clive Seale It provided me with ideas for further research in my field based on visual methods, internet communication, ethnography, and focus groups. -- Izhar Oplatka * TQR *

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