John Dewey: A Democratic Notion of Learning Maria Montessori: Liberating the Child Jean Piaget: Understanding the Mind of the Child Lev Vygotsky: An Early Social Constructivist Viewpoint B.F. Skinner: The Father of Operant Conditioning Benjamin Bloom: Learning Through Taxonomies Malcolm S. Knowles: Contextualising Adult Learning Jerome Bruner: An Evolution of Learning Theories Albert Bandura: Learning Through Observation Urie Bronfenbrenner: The Ecology of Human Development Paulo Freire: Oppression, Freedom and Critical Approaches to Education Donald Schoen: Reflection and Learning David Kolb: Experiential Learning Theory Jean Lave and Etienne Wenger: Socially Situated Learning and Communities of Practice Barak Rosenshine: Principles of Instruction Daniel Goleman: Emotional Intelligence Guy Claxton: Learning Power Dylan Wiliam: Assessment for Learning Carol Dweck: Mindsets and Motivation