Foreword Preface Acknowledgments About the Authors Introduction Chapter 1: The Roots Root #1: Adopting an Evaluative Inquiry Stance Root #2: Valuing and Using Deep Conceptual Knowledge Root #3: Being Agentic Root #4: Being Aware of Cultural Positioning Root #5: Being Metacognitive Root #6: Bringing a Systemic Focus Chapter 2: The Trunk Exercise #1: Trunk: Responsiveness through Relationships with a Generative Improvement Orientation Chapter 3: Branches and Leaves Branch 1: Purpose and Focus DAF #1: Clarifying Purpose DAF #2: Focusing on Valued Student Outcomes DAF #3: Building Coherence DAF #4: Creating Commitment and Taking Action Branch 2: Knowledge and Inquiry DAF #5: Deepening Knowledge DAF #6: Using Evidence Critically DAF #7: Using Focused and Deep Collaborative Inquiry Branch 3: Effective Learning Processes DAF #8: Surfacing and Engaging Theories and Beliefs DAF #9: Navigating Perceptions of Risk DAF #10: Developing Self-Regulation DAF #11: Providing Appropriate Support and Challenge DAF #12: Co-constructing Learning Chapter 4: Facilitating Improvement Facilitating Improvement and Adaptive Expertise How Does Adaptive Expertise Fit With Other Forms of Expertise? Developing Your Own Adaptive Expertise Developing Adaptive Expertise in Others Putting It All Together Research Appendix References