Stephen White is James Bryce Professor of Politics at the University of Glasgow, and also Visiting Professor at the Institute of Applied Politics in Moscow. He was chief editor of the Journal of Communist Studies and Transition Politics until 2011, and is currently coeditor of the Journal of Eurasian Studies. His recent publications include Putin's Russia and the Enlarged Europe (with Roy Allison and Margot Light, 2006), Understanding Russian Politics (2011), Developments in Central and East European Politics 5 (coedited, 2013) and Developments in Russian Politics 8 (coedited, 2014). He is currently working on the implications of EU and NATO enlargement for Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus, and on changes in the political elite over the Putin and Medvedev presidencies. He was elected a Fellow of the British Academy in 2010. Richard Rose is Professor of Inclusive Education and Director of the Centre for Education and Research, University of Northampton. He has previously held teaching posts in several parts of the UK including a time as headteacher. Richard has researched and published extensively in the area of special and inclusive education both in the UK and internationally. He is Director of Project IRIS, a longitudinal study of special needs provision in the Republic of Ireland. Richard works regularly in India and has also conducted research and consultancy in several other countries including Georgia, Malaysia, Singapore, China and Estonia. Ian McAllister is professor of government and chair of the Department of Government at the University of Manchester. He is the author of Political Behavior and coauthor of Dimensions of Australian Society and The Australian Political System. His research interests are in the areas of comparative political behavior, political parties, and voters and electoral systems.