What is revelation? Is it still relevant in the twenty-first century? In the twentieth century, radical theologian Rudolf Bultmann sought an answer by demythologizing scripture and Christian tradition. Most philosophers and theologians agree that he failed adequately to demythologize revelation through his notion, the kerygma. In this book, Chester O'Gorman corrects this shortcoming to continue Bultmann's project. He demythologizes Jesus Christ as revelation through the philosophy of Slavoj Zizek. Drawing support from other notable thinkers including Judith Butler, Thomas Altizer, Albert Camus, Rene Girard, and Martin Luther, O'Gorman proffers a non-supernatural account and theory of revelation. This theory enables both Christians and atheists to identify sites of revelation today so that all might better understand and participate in its ongoing liberation of humanity from sin and oppression, for the sake of all of creation.