Scripture and Resistance

Sale price$240.00

By: Jione Havea,Collin Cowan,Graham J. Adams,Rogelio Dario Barolin,Nancy Cardoso Pereira,Jin Young Choi,Jione Havea,Stephen C.A. Jennings,Tat-siong Benny Liew,Nestor O. Miguez
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Foreword Collin Cowan Preface 1. Negotiating, with Scripture and Resistance Jione Havea DARE TO REREAD 2. Ephphatha! DARE to be Opened! Scripture, its Civil War and Shakenness Graham J. Adams 3. The People against the Empire: Biblical Understandings Nestor Miguez 4. The Text Collectors: White Dutch Biblical Appropriation Janneke Stegeman 5. Gemma Augustea, Imperial Paradox, and the Matthean Resistance Raj Nadella 6. Cornelius the Centurion meets the Ethiopian Eunuch, in a Jeepney Revelation Enriques Velunta 7. The Oppressor has Ceased Rogelio Dario Barolin DARE TO RESIST 8. A Decolonial Reading of Ephesians: For Resisting the Postcolonial Empire Jin Young Choi 9. Using the Bible to Resist Empire in the Caribbean's Jamaica Stephen C.A. Jennings 10. "Love Your Neighbor as Yourself": A Call to Resist and Transform Economic Empire Cynthia Moe-Lobeda 11. The Bible: Globalized Commodity in the New Strategies of Neocolonialism Nancy Cardoso Pereira 12. Scripture as a Site of Struggle: Literary and Socio-historical Resources for Prophetic Theology in Post-colonial, Post-apartheid (Neo-colonial?) South Africa Gerald O. West 13. Views, Voices, and Choices: Reading Readers of Luke-Acts and Empire Tat-siong Benny Liew

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