Nancy J. Duff is the Stephen Colwell Associate Professor of Christian Ethics, emerita, Princeton Theological Seminary, Princeton, NJ. Ry O. Siggelkow is the director of the Leadership Center for Social Justice at United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities, St. Paul, MN. Brandon K. Watson is the academic assistant for systematic theology at the Protestant University Wuppertal, and a doctoral candidate at Heidelberg University.
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Part I: The Direction of Theology Today Introduction to Part I 1. The Direction of Theology Today (1946) 2. Contextual Theology (1972) 3. The Context of Theological Inquiry (1956) 4. The Formative Power of Particularity (1963) 5. The Dynamics of Reformation Ethics (1950) 6. Barth and Brunner: The Dilemma of the Protestant Mind (1940) 7. The Ant and the Emperor (1998) 8. Theologians Who Have Influenced Me [Reinhold Niebuhr] (1970) 9. Louise Pettibone Smith, Rudolf Bultmann, and Wellesley (1985) Part II: The Revolutionary Dimension of the Gospel Introduction to Part II 10. The Shape of Theology for a World in Revolution (1965) 11. Toward a Protestant Analysis of the Ethical Problem (1944) 12. The Politics of Easter (1980) 13. Piety, Power, and Politics: Church and Ministry Between Ratification and Resistance (1982) 14. The Christian Faith and Civil Liberties (1952) 15. Karl Barth, Theologian of Permanent Revolution (1972) 16. Black Theology and "Christian" Theology (1975) 17. The Transfiguration of Jesus and Revolutionary Politics (1975) Part III: The Future of Theology in a Post-Christian World Introduction to Part III 18. Protestantism in a Post-Christian World (1962) 19. For an Abrahamic People (1974) 20. The Changing Course of a Corrective Theology (1956) 21. Law as a Function of Forgiveness (1959) 22. No Uncertain Sound (1973) 23. Stranger Within the Gate: Two Stories for the American Conscience (1972) 24. A Christian Alternative to Natural Law (1942) Part IV: Dietrich Bonhoeffer: A Theological Friendship Introduction to Part IV 25. Eberhard Bethge, Paul Lehmann's Initiative (1974) 26. Invitation and Contribution of Lehmann for a BBC Broadcast about Dietrich Bonhoeffer (1960) 27. Dietrich Bonhoeffer: Some Vignettes of Remembrance and Interpretation (1984) 28. Faith and Worldliness in Bonhoeffer's Thought (1967) 29. Logos in a World Come of Age (1964) 30. Bonhoeffer and Paul Lehmann Correspondence (1938-1939) 31. Dietrich Bonhoeffer: Four Theological Giants Influence Our Faith (1968) 32. Bonhoeffer - Real or Counterfeit (1966) 33. Called for Freedom (1947)