We Are All Priests

The Ecclesiological Boundaries and Horizons of Martin Luther's Common Pr

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By: Roger Whittall
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Roger Whittall is an honorary postdoctoral associate at the University of Divinity, Melbourne.

Introduction Chapter 1: Church and Priesthood in Luther's First Lectures Chapter 2: Luther's Early Ecclesiology, Its Substance and Form Chapter 3: Luther's Early Teaching on The Common Priesthood, to 1525 Chapter 4: The Biblical Data for The Common Priesthood Chapter 5: Luther's Ecclesiology and the Challenge of Reform, from 1524 Chapter 6: The Response to Rome: Next Instalment Chapter 7: The Common Priesthood in Luther's Old Testament Writings, 1524-46 Chapter 8: The Common Priesthood in Luther's New Testament Preaching, 1522-46 Conclusions: Martin Luther's Common Priesthood: Its Boundaries and Horizons

Whittall brings a perceptive analytical review of the current scholarly debate and a careful contextual assessment of Luther's own utterances on the complex of ideas involved in the calling of the baptized as priests who bring the gospel to others. Whittall's careful chronological tracing of the development of Luther's views of this calling of the baptized and the church's public ministry in several literary genres not only illuminates the historical witness of the reformer but also provides resources for encouraging all Christians to take seriously both the role of the shepherds of Christ's people and believers' responsibility to witness to Christ in daily life. -- Robert Kolb, professor emeritus, Concordia Seminary, St. Louis

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