Hard Work


Defining Physical Work Performance Requirements

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By Brian J. Sharkey, Paul O. Davis
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Brian J. Sharkey, PhD, is a physiologist in the Technology and Development Center at the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Forest Service in Missoula, Montana, where he researches fitness, health, and work capacity. Previously, Sharkey served as director of the University of Montana's Human Performance Laboratory and remains associated with the university and lab as professor emeritus. As a leading fitness researcher, educator, and author, Sharkey has more than 40 years of experience in both exercise and work physiology, including research with wildland firefighters. For contributions to the health, safety, and performance of firefighters, Sharkey received the USDA's Superior Service Award in 1977 and its Distinguished Service Award in 1993. Sharkey is a past president of the American College of Sports Medicine and served on the NCAA committee on competitive safeguards and medical aspects of sports, where he chaired the Sports Science and Safety subcommittee, which uses research and data on injury to improve the safety of intercollegiate athletes. He also coordinated the United States Ski Team Nordic Sports Medicine Council. In his leisure time, Sharkey enjoys cross-country and alpine skiing, road and mountain biking, running, hiking, and canoeing. He lives near his grandchildren in Missoula, Montana. Paul O. Davis, III, PhD, is the president of the First Responder Institute in Burtonsville, Maryland, where he has conducted job and medical standards development for hundreds of public safety and military organizations. He is a former firefighter/paramedic and as a member of the Fire Board of Montgomery County, responsible for the development of definitive medical care outside of the hospital. As an expert witness, Davis has made more than 60 appearances in federal and state court and was recruited by the FBI to participate in legal defense of physical standards. He was also selected by the United States Marine Corps to validate the physical fitness test (PFT) and to conduct certification of the physical training unit staff at the FBI Academy at Quantico, Virginia. Most recently he was engaged by the Department of Homeland Defense to develop hiring and retention standards for the reorganized Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE-D). He is the creator of several TV sports productions including the Firefighter Combat Challenge providing color commentary on ESPN, A&E, and the Versus network. Davis is a fellow of the American College of Sports Medicine. He received his PhD in exercise science in 1976 from the University of Maryland.

Part I: The Job and the Worker Chapter 1: Physically Demanding Occupations Hard Work Work Requirements Work Capacity Summary Chapter 2: The Worker Physical Characteristics of Workers Aerobic Fitness Muscular Fitness Demographic Trends Summary Chapter 3: Employment Opportunity Employment Laws Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures Summary Part II: Test Development and Validation Chapter 4: Job-Related Tests Why Test? Testing and Legal Issues Test Development Summary Chapter 5: Test Validation Content Validity Criterion-Related Validity Construct Validity Validation Options Reliability and Cross-Validation Bona Fide Occupational Qualification Absolute Standards Test Standards Suboptimal Selection Procedures Summary Chapter 6: Test Implementation Seeking Professional Assistance Personnel Issues Implementation Strategies Summary Part III: Employee Selection Practices Chapter 7: Testing New Employees Medical Standards Safety Considerations Instructions Recruitment Pretest Training Retesting Work Hardening Summary Chapter 8: Testing Incumbent Employees Age and Performance Physiological Age Periodic Testing Providing Adequate Notice Medical and Safety Fitness Training Test Results Summary Chapter 9: Program Evaluation Evaluation Surveillance System Analysis: Quantitative and Qualitative Information Cost-Benefit Analysis Reporting Results Summary Part IV: Employee Health, Physiology, and Performance Chapter 10: Employee Health Developing Medical Standards Employee Health Programs Costs and Benefits of Employee Health Programs Summary Chapter 11: Physiology of Work Muscle Fibers Muscle Contractions Energy Sources Oxygen and Energy Supply and Support Systems The Training Effect Summary Chapter 12: Job-Related Fitness The Job-Related Fitness Programs Aerobic Fitness Muscular Fitness Core Training Periodizing the Training Plan Body Composition Program Issues Risks and Benefits Summary Part V: Job-Related Issues Chapter 13: Environmental Impacts Heat Stress and Heat Disorders Preventing Heat Disorders Cold Conditions Altitude Acclimatization Summary Chapter 14: Respiratory Protection Respiratory Hazards Respirator Selection Medical Evaluation Work Performance APRs and Women Summary Chapter 15: Lifting Guidelines Lifting Standards NIOSH Lifting Equation Selection and Training Summary Chapter 16: Legal Issues Legal Challenges Unintended Consequences Court Decisions Alternative to Litigation Summary

"In Hard Work: Defining Physical Work Performance Requirements, Drs. Brian J. Sharkey and Paul O. Davis have now provided an excellent scientific examination of the role of physically intense work on the worker who performs arduous and often dangerous occupations. How to test prospective employees and incumbents as well as legal issues are dealt with in a very professional and valid manner. This text is useful for supervisors and workers who wish to understand hard work in the physically demanding performance professions." Dr. Al Morris, FACSM, Director of Health Improvement and Physical Fitness Programs for the United States Border Patrol

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