Text Books Overview
Text Books Overview
Woodslane represents many internationally renowned publishers who produce titles suitable for course adoption as a required textbook. Our Textbook team is available to provide information on our range of textbook titles, suggest appropriate titles for academic courses, and oversee our inspection copy and desk copy process.
Inspection Copies
Woodslane provides free inspection copies to university and college lecturers who are considering a text for course adoption.
You can request an inspection copy via the website or by emailing the Textbook team at text@woodslane.com.au . To request an inspection copy via the website, find the book you are interested in by using the search box. Click the ‘Çopy ISBN’ button followed by the ‘Academic Inspection Copy’ button and complete the form. If a book you are interested in doesn’t have an Academic Inspection Copy button, please contact the Textbook team.
Woodslane provides inspection copies with the following terms and conditions:
- You are required to provide feedback on the suitability of the textbook for course adoption within 60 days. An Inspection Feedback Form PDF will be supplied with each inspection copy. Alternatively, you can complete our Inspection Copy Feedback form on our website here.
- You can request up to a maximum of three inspection copies at any one time.
- Inspection copies will only be provided for a course or unit with 10 students or more.
- Where available, we will supply inspection copies as an ebook. If this is format is not available, or if you have reasons where an ebook is not suitable, we can supply a hard copy.
- You may keep a physical inspection copy with our compliments if you complete and return the Inspection Feedback form. If you do not wish to complete the Inspection Feedback form then you should return the book to us in mint condition or inform us if you wish to purchase the title and provide us with your payment details.
Desk copies
If you have adopted one of our textbooks as a required text for your unit, and you haven’t previously received an inspection copy from us, you can request a free desk or teaching copy. If you would like to request a desk copy, please contact the Textbook team on text@woodslane.com.au