NSCA's Guide to Tests and Assessments


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Edited by Todd A. Miller, NSCA -National Strength & Conditioning Association
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Founded in 1978, the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) is an international nonprofit educational association with members in more than 56 countries. Drawing on its vast network of members, the NSCA develops and presents the most advanced information regarding strength training and conditioning practices, injury prevention, and research findings. Unlike any other organization, the NSCA brings together a diverse group of professionals from the sport science, athletic, allied health, and fitness industries. By working to find practical applications for new research findings in the strength and conditioning field, the association fosters the development of strength training and conditioning as a discipline and as a profession. Todd A. Miller, PhD, is an associate professor of exercise science at the George Washington University School of Public Health and Health Services in Washington DC, where he is responsible for the development and oversight of the master's degree concentration in strength and conditioning. He has degrees in exercise physiology from Penn State and Texas A&M and currently studies the role of interactive video gaming as a means of increasing physical activity in children.

Chapter 1: Tests, Data Analysis, and Conclusions Matt Rhea, PhD, and Mark Peterson, PhD Screening Tests Data Evaluation and Statistical Analysis Normalizing of Fitness Data Tracking Data Over Time Summary Chapter 2: Body Composition Nick Ratamess, PhD Sport Performance and Body Composition Body Composition Measurement Measuring Height, Body Weight, and Body Mass Index Body Fat Standards Comparison of Body Composition Techniques Summary Chapter 3: Heart Rate and Blood Pressure Dan Drury, DPE Heart Rate Control Exercise Intensity and Heart Rate Sport Performance and Heart Rate Heart Rate Measurement Blood Pressure Summary Chapter 4: Metabolic Rate Wayne Miller, PhD, EMT Components of Energy Expenditure Sport Performance and Metabolic Rate Measurement of Energy Expenditure Prediction of Energy Expenditure Estimation of 24-hour and Physical Activity Energy Expenditure Relevance and Applications for Metabolic Testing Summary Chapter 5: Aerobic Power Jonathan Anning, PhD Regression Equation Variables Maximal Exercise Testing Methods Submaximal Exercise Testing Methods Regression Equation Calculations Summary Chapter 6: Lactate Threshold Dave Morris, PhD Energy Pathways and Lactate Metabolism Sport Performance and Lactate Threshold Performing a Lactate Threshold Test Maximal Lactate Steady State Using Lactate Threshold Data Summary Chapter 7: Muscular Strength Gavin Moir, PhD Definition of Muscular Strength Factors Affecting Muscular Force Production Sports Performance and Muscular Strength Methods of Measurement Field Tests for Muscular Strength Predicting 1RM Values from Multiple Repetitions Laboratory Tests for Maximal Muscular Strength Isokinetic Strength Testing Summary Chapter 8: Muscular Endurance Gavin Moir, PhD Definition of Muscular Endurance Field Tests for Muscular Endurance Laboratory Tests for Muscular Endurance Summary Chapter 9: Power Mark D. Peterson, PhD Operationalizing Power Mechanisms of Power Production and Expression Types and Factors of Power Sport Performance and Power Tests for Power Lower Body Tests Upper Body Tests Warm-Up and Postactivation Potentiation (PAP): A Special Consideration for Testing Power Summary Chapter 10: Speed and Agility N. Travis Triplett, PhD Speed Agility Sport Performance and Speed and Agility Test Selection Methods of Measurement Summary Chapter 11: Mobility Sean P. Flanagan, PhD Fundamental Concepts of Mobility Sport Performance and Mobility Mobility Testing Range of Motion Tests Interpretation of Results Comparing Mobility Measurement Methods Summary Chapter 12: Balance and Stability Sean P. Flanagan, PhD Body Mechanics Control Theory Balance and Stability Tests Sport Performance and Balance and Stability Measuring Balance and Stability Interpreting the Results


"This book takes an aggressive, holistic approach to the longstanding profession of strength and conditioning. The authors make a first-rate effort to move the profession of strength and conditioning forward into a new realm of expertise as professionals in the business of getting athletes to perform beyond their own expectations." -- Doody's Book Review

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