Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility Through Physical Activity


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By Don Hellison
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Don Hellison, PhD, was a professor in the college of education at the University of Illinois at Chicago and codirector of the Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility (TPSR) Alliance. He worked extensively with high-risk youth, was a distinguished research fellow at Adelphi University, and was a visiting professor at numerous universities in the United States and in Canada. Much of Hellison's work focused on the development, implementation, and evaluation of alternative physical activity program models that teach life skills and values, especially for underserved youth. He published numerous books, articles, and book chapters. Hellison received many awards, including the Gulick Medal (AAHPERD's highest honor) and the International Olympic Committee's President's Prize. He received grant support for 25 projects, served on three editorial boards, and was editor of Quest for two years. He gave keynote addresses, made presentations at professional meetings, and conducted workshops for teachers and youth workers in most of the 50 states, several Canadian provinces, and Israel, Korea, Ireland, New Zealand, Australia, England, and Spain. He also served on numerous committees for several professional associations. Don Hellison passed away in 2018.

Part I: Ideas Chapter 1. What's Worth Doing? What's Worth Doing in Our Professional Lives? Birth of Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility Toward a Working Theory-in-Practice After-School, Youth Development, and Alternative School Programs Influence of Related Social and Educational Issues There Are No Silver Bullets Take-Aways Chapter 2. A Framework for Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility Core Values Assumptions Levels of Responsibility Program Leader Responsibilities Daily Program Format Other Aspects of the TPSR Framework Take-Aways Chapter 3. Levels of Responsibility Progression of Levels Cumulative Levels Five Levels Level Modifications Levels and Empowerment Take-Aways Part II: Strategies Chapter 4. Daily Program Format Program Leader Responsibilities and the Daily Format Relational Time Awareness Talk Physical Activity Plan Group Meeting Reflection Time Take-Aways Chapter 5. Embedding Responsibility in the Physical Activity Content Physical Activity Content Strategy Progression Level I Strategies Level II Strategies Level III Strategies Level IV Strategies Level V Strategies Take-Aways Chapter 6. Strategies for Specific Problems and Situations Self-Reflection Reflection-in-Action Fattening Our Bag of Tricks Level I: Individual Discipline Problems Level I: Conflict Resolution Strategies Level II: Teaching by Invitation Level III: Struggles With Empowerment Level IV: Helping and Leadership Problems Level V: Specific Problems Outside the Gym Take-Aways Chapter 7. Being Relational With Kids Four Relational Qualities Having the Courage to Confront Relational Qualities and Relational Time Program Leader Qualities and Skills Teaching Students With Different Cultural Backgrounds Take-Aways Part III: Implementation Chapter 8. TPSR in Physical Education Teacher Education: One Teacher's Explorations Teaching TPSR in Physical Education Teacher Education Apprenticeship Site-Based Practicum or Internship Conference Workshop or Short Course One-Week Intensive Elective Semester-Long Elective Within a Required Activity Course Within a Required On-Site Undergraduate Methods Course Required Methods Course in an After-School Program Framework for a Teacher Education Program Summary Thoughts Take-Aways Chapter 9. Coaching Clubs and Other TPSR Structures Coaching Clubs Cross-Age Teaching and Leadership TPSR in Organized Sport Responsibility-Based Fitness Centers TPSR on the Playground and at Recess TPSR in the Classroom Schoolwide Adoptions of TPSR Take-Aways Chapter 10. Getting Started Context Self-Assessment First Steps Advanced Steps Teaching as a Subversive Activity Take-Aways Chapter 11. Assessment and Evaluation Strategies Student Assessment Teacher Evaluation Program Evaluation Take-Aways

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