Leadership in Recreation and Leisure Services


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By Timothy S. O'Connell, Brent Cuthbertson, Edited by Terilyn J. Goins
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Timothy S. O'Connell, PhD, is a professor of recreation and leisure studies at Brock University in St. Catharines, Ontario. He has taught group dynamics since 1997 and has been a wilderness guide since 1991. A member of the National Recreation and Parks Association, the Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, the Association for Experiential Education, and the Council of Outdoor Educators of Ontario, O'Connell has developed outdoor recreation curricula and coedited the Journal of Experiential Education. He has received many awards for his teaching. An avid outdoor recreationist, O'Connell enjoys rock climbing, sea kayaking, and home brewing in his spare time. Brent Cuthbertson, PhD, is an associate professor of outdoor recreation, parks, and tourism at Lakehead University in Thunder Bay, Ontario. He has been a wilderness educator and guide for more than 25 years and coeditor of the Journal of Experiential Education. He has written book chapters, papers in refereed journals, and a variety of other refereed and nonrefereed contributions. Cuthbertson has received awards for his teaching excellence. In his leisure time he enjoys wilderness canoeing, sea kayaking, woodworking, and sailing. Terilyn J. Goins, PhD, is a career management and independent consultant is Yorktown, Virginia. She worked for 19 years for Christopher Newport University as a professor of communication studies and leadership studies. She also served for four years as chair of the communication studies department at the university. Goins received the National Speaker's Association Outstanding Professor Award, was voted Professor of the Year at Christopher Newport University by the student body, and has published numerous articles for trade and academic journals related to personal and professional growth and development.

Part I Personal Leadership Chapter 1 Introduction to 21st-Century Leadership in Leisure Services Tim O'Connell What Is Leadership? Recreation and Leisure Services Leaders in the 21st Century Setting the Stage for Leading in 21st-Century Recreation and Leisure Services Summary Chapter 2 Self-Leadership Brent Cuthbertson Toward a Definition of Leadership Understanding Your Self Personality Values, Beliefs, and Emotional Intelligence Summary Chapter 3 Interpersonal Communication Skills Terilyn Goins The Nature of Interpersonal Communication Listening and the Perception Process Communication Competence and Leadership Task- Versus Relations-Oriented Leadership Traditional Face-to-Face Versus E-Leadership Interpersonal Leadership Model Summary Chapter 4 Facilitating Group Experiences Brent Wolfe Foundational Definitions Roles of a Facilitator Facilitation Techniques Summary Chapter 5 Leadership, Diversity, and Inclusion Lynn Anderson Diversity Defined Variations: A New Way of Thinking Inclusive Leadership Professional Development for Inclusive Leaders The New Norm Best Practices in Inclusive Leadership Summary Chapter 6 Leadership Styles and Ethics Mary Breunig Leadership Theories Values and Ethics Decision Making Summary Part II Leading as a Professional in Leisure Services Chapter 7 Understanding Group Dynamics Tim O'Connell and Michael Van Bussel Groups Defined History of Groups Group Development Norms Roles Group Size Cohesion Socialization Environmental Factors Leadership Theory and Working With Groups Common Issues With Groups Summary Chapter 8 Direct Leadership in Recreation, Leisure, Hospitality, and Tourism Michael Van Bussel Motivation Preferences in Leadership Behavior Dimensions of Leader Behavior Multidimensional Model of Leadership Tools for Direct Leadership: Setting Goals and Objectives Summary Chapter 9 Supervising Staff and Volunteers Marilynn R. Glasser Defining Supervision Supervisors' Responsibilities Supervising Volunteers How to Be a Top-Notch Parks and Recreation Supervisor Summary Chapter 10 Team Development and Team Leadership Greg Robinson Understanding Team Development Teamwork in the 21st Century Team Learning Dynamics Team Formation Individual Factors for Team Success Team and Individual Leadership Team Delivery Programs Successful and Unsuccessful Team Development Summary Chapter 11 Risk Management in Leadership Robert Kauffman Negligence Considerations Designing the Experience 2\x\2 Risk Matrix: Perceived Versus Actual Risks Adventure Experience Paradigm Accident Causation and Safety Management Summary Part III Organizational Leadership Chapter 12 Internal Organizational Leadership and Professional Development Amy Hurd Succession Planning Step 1: Understand Agency Development Needs Step 2: Assess Job Demands, Competencies, and Bench Strength Step 3: Build the Talent Pool Summary Chapter 13 External Community and Organizational Leadership Dale Larsen External Community Leaders External Organizational Leadership Summary Chapter 14 Leading in the Profession Jane H. Adams and Elaine Schilling Macro Trends Affecting Parks and Recreation Competencies for the 21st-Century Parks and Recreation Leader Summary

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