This provocative and timelywork examines various scenariosin which the deploymentof nuclear weaponscould occur, the probableconsequences of such anescalation, the likely worldreactions, and the plausiblepolicy ramifications. Ratherthan projecting the physicaldamage that would resultfrom nuclear attacks,George H. Quester offersan exploration of the political,psychological, andsocial aftermath of nuclearconflict.The prospect of nuclear attacksixty years after atomicbombs destroyed Hiroshima and Nagasakiis difficult toconfront on many levels. We may avoid the discussion foremotional reasons, for fear of generating a self-confirminghypothesis, or simply because of the general nucleartaboo. But there are also self-denying propositions to beharnessed here: if the world gives some advance thoughtto how nuclear weapons might be used again, such attacksmay be headed off.If the world avoids nuclear weapons use until the year 2045,it will be able to celebrate one hundred years of nuclear concord.Quester suggests that this may be achieved throughthe careful consideration of possible nuclear deploymentscenarios and their consequences. In this insightful analysis,he provides a starting point for informed and focusedreflection and preparation.