Foreword: Charlatanism or Science: Which Will Prevail?Introduction1. DowsingSticks That Move on Their OwnBrilliant WavesUnconscious Movements?Dowsing and Waterwheels2. Become ClairvoyantExtrasensory PerceptionPsychokinesisPerception at a DistanceHypnosis and TelepathyClairvoyanceMusculokinesis3. How to Recognize Deceptive Techniques in ArgumentThe Circularity TechniqueThe Snowball TechniqueThe Escalation TechniqueThe ""Little Streams"" EffectAccounting and Errors4. Cast Your HoroscopeQuiet Please, Turning in Progress!SerpentariusLaplanders without Horoscopes?Whom to Believe?The Effects of Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and All the RestDouble or Nothing5. Miracle or Fraud?Holy Hemoglobin!A Do-It-Yourself Shroud of TurinA 3-D ImageWhat If Jesus Wasn't Naked?The Holy Shroud of Turin Is Not a ForgeryThe Body of ChristMade in France and Stolen from the Religious6. Develop Your PowersGlowing Embers Held in Bare HandsThe Uses of Short ArmsThe Life Force Energy, QiMeasuring the Vital ForceThe Ouija GlassTurn the TablesMarvelous MechanismsMiraculous VasesBetter than The Da Vinci Code7. More MysteriesPlace Your BetsThe Haunted HouseThe Dog Who Could Measure DistancesInitiated by a Tibetan MasterConclusionIndex