List of Tables and Figures
1. Comparative Theory and Political Practice: Do We Need a ''State-Nation'' Model as Well as a ''Nation-State'' Model?
2. India as a State-Nation: Shared Political Community amidst Deep Cultural Diversity
3. Four Indian Cases That Challenge State-Nation Theory?
4. Tamils in India: How State-Nation Policies Helped Construct Multiple but Complementary Identities
5. Tamils in Sri Lanka: How Nation-State Policies Helped Construct Polar and Conflictual Identities
6. Ukraine: State-Nation Policies in a Unitary State
7. Federacy: A Formula for Democratically Managing MultinationalSocieties in Unitary States
8. The U.S. Federal Model and Multinational Societies: Some Problems for Democratic Theory and Practice
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""As they intended, Stepan, Linz, and Yadav have imagined alternative democratic formations for managing deeply pluralistic societies. Their models of state-nations, and of federacies, expand the realm of what might be considered politically possible in democracies. For this reason, their work will be of interest to scholars interested in pluralistic societies and concerned about democracy in all parts of the world.""