List of Illustrations
1. The Creation of Roman Spain
2. Urban Institutions in the Principate
3. Urban Institutions in the Third and Fourth Centuries
4. Diocletian and the Spanish Fourth Century
5. Change in the Spanish City
6. Town and Country
7. Imperial Crisis and Recovery
8. The End of Roman Spain
9. The Aftermath of Empire
10. The Impact of Christianity in the Fifth Century
11. The Earlier Sixth Century and the Goths in Spain
12. The New World of the Sixth Century
Appendix 1: The Epistula Honorii
Appendix 2: Magistrates of Late Roman Spain
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""A narrative history of Spain from AD 400 to 500, the establishment of a Gothickingdom in the early 6th century and what this meant for the mechanics and institutions of town and city life, complete the work.""