Foreword - Lenore Walker Introduction - Michele Bograd Feminist Perspectives on Wife Abuse PART ONE: THE POLITICS OF RESEARCH Political and Methodological Debates in Wife Abuse Research - Kersti Ylloe Research as Social Action - R Emerson Dobash and Russell P Dobash The Struggle for Battered Women Fear of Crime and the Myth of the Safe Home - Elizabeth A Stanko A Feminist Critique of Criminology PART TWO: FEMINIST RESEARCH Wife Abuse, Husband Abuse, or Mutual Combat? A Feminist Perspective on the Empirical Findings - Daniel G Saunders How Women Define Their Experiences of Violence - Liz Kelly Why do Men Batter Their Wives? - James Ptacek On the Relationship between Wife-Beating and Child Abuse - Lee H Bowker, Michelle Arbitell and J Richard McFerron PART THREE: RETHINKING CLINICAL APPROACHES Treatment Models of Men Who Batter - David Adams A Profeminist Analysis Battered or Schizophrenic? Psychological Tests Can't Tell - Lynne Bravo Rosewater Survivors of Terror - Dee L R Graham, Edna Rawlings and Nelly Rimini Battered Women, Hostages and the Stockholm Syndrome Beyond the `Duty to Warn' - Barbara Hart A Therapist's `Duty to Protect' Battered Women and Children Not so Benign Neglect - Demie Kurtz and Evan Stark The Medical Response to Battering PART FOUR: BUILDING BRIDGES: THEORY AND PRACTICE, ACADEMICS AND ACTIVISTS Collaborative Feminist Research and Myth of Objectivity - Lee Ann Hoff Integrating Feminist Theory and Practice - Ellen Pence and Melanie Shepard The Challenge of the Battered Women's Movement Building Bridges between Activists, Professionals and Researchers - Susan Schecter