PART ONE: DEFINITIONS, TRENDS AND MODELS Defining Family Policy Family Trends The Empirical Basis for Changing Family Definitions Family Trends in Context Competing Definitions of Family and Policy Trends A Social Change Model PART TWO: POLICY FRAMEWORKS: CONVERTING PERCEPTIONS OF FAMILY PROBLEMS INTO POLICIES AND PROGRAMS FOR FAMILIES The Institutional Framework Family Policy as the Outcome of Institutional Arrangements The Rational Choice Framework Variations on Policy as Rational Choice Interest Group Theory, Elite Theory and Systems Theory PART THREE: FAMILY FRAMEWORKS: TOOLS FOR CONCEPTUALIZING FAMILY WELL-BEING Families as Social Systems and Systems of Exchange and Choice Symbolic Interaction, Family Stress Theory, Conflict Theory, Feminist and Cultural Theories PART FOUR: PUTTING IT ALL BACK TOGETHER Reframing the Policy-Family Relationship so It Works Better for Families