1. Understanding the Traditional University
Problems and Opportunities
Assets Worthy of Preservation
Why Traditional Universities Do What They Do
Implications for Tuition and Cost Containment
Business Models and Value Propositions
2. The Reengineering Challenge
Flaws in the Academic Business Model
Building a Reengineering Portfolio
Implementation Considerations
Responsibilities for Reengineering
3. The New Scholarship of Teaching
Conceptual Underpinnings
Illustrative Applications
Two ""Outside the Box"" Proposals
Organizing for Improvement
4. The Cost of Teaching
Alternative Approaches
Design of Teaching Systems
Modeling from University Transactional Data
Extending the Model across the Campus
Areas of Application
5. Financial Planning and Budgeting
Envisioning University Information
Coherent Financial Planning
Coherent Resource Allocation
A Model for Balancing Mission and Margin
A. Teaching and Learning Principles
B. Course-Based ABC
C. Computer-Aided Course Design
D. Incremental Cost of Enrollment
E. Smart What-Ifs in the Course-Based ABC Model
F. Margin Equivalents for Start-Up Programs
G. Extensions to the Mission-Margin Model
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""... Massy, perhaps more than any other contemporary student of higher education, knows and critically thinks about how universities function day-to-day and academic year-to-academic year: what decisions have to made, who should make them, with what analytical information, and within what time frame. He keeps a close eye on multiple cause and multiple effect, as one must in multiversities. It is hard to do.""