Sarah Martin-Denham is a Senior Lecturer and Programme Leader for the 'Post Graduate Certificate National Award for Special Educational Needs Co-ordination' and a Masters short course 'Supporting children with Social Emotional and Mental Health Needs' at the University of Sunderland. Sarah is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, a Vice Chancellor Teaching Fellow, Chair of an independent SENCO network and a Convenor of an interdisciplinary research network for developing knowledge, understanding and approaches for supporting children who are experiencing adverse childhood experiences. She has extensive knowledge of learning and teaching in the North East of England in a variety of settings ranging from Early Years to Higher Education. Sarah began her career as an infant school teacher in Sunderland then taught from entry level to foundation degree level study in a college. For the last ten years Sarah has successfully developed and led four programmes and research projects in the School of Education at the University of Sunderland. Through her work with children and families over the last twenty years and her own neurodiverse abilities she has developed a particular interest in special educational needs and disabilities.
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Chapter 1: Introduction - Sarah Martin-Denham Chapter 2: Who's Who in Specialist Provision? - Jan Patterson and James Waller Chapter 3: Your First Day in Specialist Provision - Dawn Henderson and Sarah Martin-Denham Chapter 4: Teaching and Learning - Judith Donovan, Dawn Henderson, Pauline James and Sarah Martin-Denham Chapter 5: Planning for Learning - Judith Donovan, Dawn Henderson, Pauline James and Sarah Martin-Denham Chapter 6: Assessing Learning - Judith Donovan, Dawn Henderson, Pauline James and Sarah Martin-Denham Chapter 7: Working in Partnership with Families, Parents and Carers - Denise Murray Chapter 8: Autistic Spectrum Condition - Jayne Littlewood and Claire Sewell Chapter 9: Speech, Language and Communication Needs - Jan Patterson and Chris Roberts Chapter 10: Specific Learning Difficulties, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia and Dyscalculia - Helen Irving and Sarah Martin-Denham Chapter 11: Severe, Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties - Jan Patterson and Chris Roberts Chapter 12: Other areas of Exceptionality - Dr Karen Horridge, Sarah Martin-Denham and Denise Murray Chapter 13: Promoting Positive Behaviour - Bill Ashton Chapter 14: How to Work Effectively with Support Staff and other Professionals - Judith Donovan and Pauline James Chapter 15: Supporting Learning in a Pupil Referral Unit - Steve Siddell Chapter 16: The Particular Needs of Looked after Children - Caroline Walker-Gleaves Chapter 17: Reflections of Teaching Pupils with Special Educational Needs by Recently Qualified Teachers - Rebecca Dunn, Helen Lowes and David Nevins
This comprehensive book is a must have for anyone working with children and young people with SEND. It is an up-to - date reference book which is easy to read and set out in an easily accessible format so busy professionals can dip in and out as required. It covers all ages and relates to both special and mainstream settings. Written by a number of SEND experts it not only provides the theory but has great examples of good practice strategies you can use in the classroom. -- Lorraine Petersen This volume would be a superb acquisition for anyone new to the post of SENCO or SEN teacher and of equal value to those undertaking postgraduate training in this area. The individual essays are written in consistent style and are exceptionally clear and accessible... Additional materials, exemplar learning and behaviour plans, level descriptors and schemes of work are available through a special website that supports the book and adds significantly to its value in the classroom. This book is full of practical strategies that are lucidly presented and I have no hesitation in recommending it to anyone working with the field of SEND. -- Martin Edmonds, SENCO