A Left Green New Deal


An Internationalist Blueprint

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By Becker Riexinger, Lia Becker, Dr Katharina Dahme, Dr Christina Kaindl
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Becker Riexinger (Author) Becker Riexinger has been co-leader of the German political party DIE LINKE since 2012. His roots lie in the labor movement as a trade union leader in the Stuttgart region's service sector union "ver.di." During his tenure in DIE LINKE he has advanced a strategy of connective class politics and a connective party, which combines union-oriented left politics with an emphasis on the left Green New Deal. Lia Becker (Author) Lia Becker has been a strategic advisor for DIE LINKE since 2014, drawing upon Gramscian theory, grounded in an intersectional class analysis, and focused on the strategy of a Green New Deal from the left. She is co-author of Bite Back! Queere Prekaritat, Klasse und unteilbare Solidaritat, a book about queer class-politics, forthcoming from Edition Assemblage. Katharina Dahme (Author) Katharina Dahme works for DIE LINKE as the head of Riexinger's office, focused on an organizing-based-approach to building the party-base. She is one of the founders of Bewegungslinke, a movement-oriented, anti-racist and ecosocialist network within DIE LINKE. Christina Kaindl (Author) Christina Kaindl has been the head of the Department for Program and Strategy of DIE LINKE since 2012. She has published extensively on the politics of hegemony, left strategy and the rise of right-wing populism. She was co-founder and first editor in chief of the review LuXemburg and is a longtime coordinator of the academic review Das Argument.

Is a Green New Deal with a system-transforming orientation still realistic? Yes it is! ...With this new book, Bernd Riexinger and his team have left a programmatic legacy for the left.-- "Klaus Doerre, Friedrich-Schiller-University of Jena; co-author Capitalism, Sociology, Critique; Director, Post-Growth Societies"

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