For almost half a century, Biggin Hill was the scene of one of the worlds best loved and longest-running air shows. Already well known as the site from which Spitfires and Hurricanes were launched during the Second World War, Biggin Hill was made even more famous by the International Air Fair, staged between 1963 and 2010. Often innovative, sometimes weather affected and consistently of the highest caliber, the Biggin Hill International Air Fair was keenly attended by aircraft enthusiasts and families alike. From its outset, the event also inspired countless visitors to pursue a career within aviation. The History of the Biggin Hill International Air Fair details each show, its text accompanied by a host of high quality and nostalgic images, a considerable number of them previously unpublished. It is hoped that with its publication, the story of this legendary event is given the coverage deserved, yesteryears air show stars are honorably remembered and that many memories are happily reignited.