Song of the 2nd SAS Regiment; Introduction; 1 David Stirling; 2 `Tanky' Challenor; 3 Island Raids; 4 `Paddy' Mayne; 5 The Capture of Sicily; 6 Roy Farran; 7 The Invasion of the Mainland; 8 Operation Speedwell One; 9 Operation Speedwell Two; 10 The Missing Men; 11 Jeep and Sabotage Operations; 12 Rescuing POWs; 13 Amphibious Operations; 14 Support for the Anzio Landings; 15 Operation Pomegranate; 16 The Return of 2nd SAS; 17 Operation Galia; 18 Attacking Enemy Communications; 19 The Germans Strike Back; 20 Operation Tombola; 21 Attack on the Corps HQ; 22 Victory in Italy.