Dragonfly Training was founded in 1999 and has established an excellent reputation internationally for providing inspiring, realistic and practical training courses for teachers. In this, their fi rst book, three of their top trainers provide some of the very best handsonapproaches to teaching.
Dragonfly's six key principles are:
Promote effective starters and plenaries
Provide constant reinforcement as a means of embedding knowledge andprovide on-going revision
Introduce a variety of ideas
Do first, teach after - whenever possible
Encourage students to create teaching materials themselves
Demonstrate and articulate success by modelling the desired outcomes
The trainers aim to make your life easier by providing practical strategies that can be used my most teachers, in most subjects, most of the time and by offering insight and ideas to engage, inspire and motivate including:
How you present yourself in the classroom
Rules, routines and rituals for establishing effective learning patterns
Strategies to make your teaching life easier
Making your classroom the one every student wants to be in
Making your department the envy of the school and using ICT to the maximum