Yoga Therapy for Every Special Child: Meeting Needs in a Natural Setting


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By: By Nancy Williams
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CONTENTS:Dedication. Acknowledgements. Foreword. Preface. Introduction. 1. Introduction. Components of Normal Development. Developmental Challenges. Choosing a Therapy Program. Similarities of Yoga and Neuro-developmental Therapy (NDT). Physical-structural meets Energetic-regeneration. Yoga Meets Therapy Goals. 2. The Benefits of Yoga. The Breath. Body Awareness. Motor Planning. Spirit of Communication. Behavioural Self-regulation. Social Skills. Universal Awareness. Multidisciplinary. Sensory Integration. Natural Setting. Multidimensional Approach. Healthy Body. Restorative. Sleep Patterns. Skill Set. Energetic Alignment. 3. Getting Ready. Physician Consultation. Creating a Space. When, How Often, and for How Long? Assessment by Observation. Introducing the Setting. Paradigm for Success. 4. The Yoga Program. Namasté. Tibetan Bells. Breathing. Postures. Savasana. Guided Imagery. Closing Chant. Instruction. The Posture. The Benefits. Special Considerations. 5. Yoga and the Energy Body. The Root Chakra - Stability. The Navel Chakra - Relationship and Creativity. The Solar Plexus Chakra - Self-esteem. The Heart Chakra - Love and Compassion. The Throat Chakra - Communication. The Brow Chakra - Divine Vision. The Crown Chakra - Spiritual Connection. 6. Yoga Games. Games to Build Strength. Games to Build Confidence. Games Using Props and Toys. Games to Develop Imagination. Breathing Games. 7. Yoga for Specific Conditions. Precautions. Exchanges. Symptoms Involving the Following Areas: Attention Deficit Disorder. Autism Spectrum Disorder. Cancer. Cerebral Palsy. Compromised Respiration. Developmental Delay. Down Syndrome. Emotional Sensitivity. Fluency. Hemi-paresis. High Tone. Language Delay/Disorder. Low Tone. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Sensory Integration Disorder. Social Communication Delay. Scoliosis. 8. The Response. Yogis and Parents. References. Resources. Glossary.


I liked this book from the start...The material is so well-planned and meticulously written, that parents and caregivers with intermediate level (or higher) knowledge of Yoga can successfully put together a Yoga programme for their child...It was obvious to me that the author has an excellent knowledge of Yoga by how carefully she writes her instructions for asanas. Her creativity as a therapist comes through in how she approaches her Yoga programme, using such child-friendly props/toys as blowing bubbles to improve breathing and breath awareness, using glitter balls to attract the child's attention, and Tibetan bells to make the child aware of his movements...I would highly recommend this book to any parent of a special needs child.

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