Dr Max Coates has worked for 15 years for the Institute of Education, now part of University College London. During this time, he has lectured on leadership, coaching and team development. A significant part of his work has been undertaken in a wide variety of countries which have included; Colombia, Ireland, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Pakistan and the Netherlands. He is also a doctoral supervisor for the University of Buckingham. He has published a number of books including: Personalising Learning, The Constant Leader, and Shaping a New Educational Landscape. Additionally, he has contributed to other publications including research into pupil underachievement, place and belonging and most recently into the emerging role of Chief Executive Officers of Multi-Academy Trusts. In all his work, he never lost his connection with the challenges facing leaders that came through 14 years as a secondary headteacher. He is married to Sally, a practice sister specialising in respiratory disease. They have three sons and three grandchildren.