''This book has proved for me the best edition of Poe's short fiction for classroom use. Its best feature, among many good ones, is its ample annotations. Those annotations, indispensable for such an allusive author as Poe, illuminate the text at every turn. I heartily recommend it to teachers and students alike.''--Sidney P. Moss, professor emeritus of English, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, and author of Poe's Literary Battles: The Critic in the Context of His Milieu ''The Levines' edition of Poe's fiction is the most thoroughly and responsibly annotated of all the editions of Poe's work. It should be in all libraries and in any classroom where Poe's fiction is taught.''--John Henry Raleigh, professor of English, University of California at Berkeley, and author of The Chronicle of Leopold and Molly Bloom: ''Ulysses'' as NarrativeStuart Levine, professor of English at the University of Kansas, was founding editor and editor-in-chief of the journal American Studies. He has written extensively on Poe and other authors. Susan Levine, assistant dean of the Graduate College at the University of Kansas, is the author of a number of published articles on Latin American authors; so-editor, with Stuart Levine, of The Collected Writings of Edgar Allan Poe; and co-author, with Stuart Levine, of articles that have appeared in Poe Studies and ESQ.