''One of the finest works to come out in recent years on cowboy songs, in addition to being the first good collection of the cowboy's bawdy material. . . . A must for anyone who is a student of cowboy music--or anyone who just likes the sound of dirty subject matter rhyming.'' -- Hal Cannon, Journal of Country Music ''A brave and honest step toward increasing our understanding of what cowboys really sing.'' -- Bob Bovee, Old Time Herald ''A thorough piece of scholarship and collectanea and a valuable, welcome addition to cowboy song literature.'' -- Keith Cunningham, Mid-America Folklore ''Logsdon has written the book with a scholar's attention to detail. But what shows through the scholarship is the collector's enthusiasm for the material. . . . A superb job in a difficult area.'' -- Angus Kress Gillespie, Journal of American History ''A major contribution to the folklore and popular culture, history, and social psychology of American cowboy culture.'' -- Kenneth S. Goldstein, former president, American Folklore Society