''White writes about his world and makes it relevant to anyone who reads his poetry. And even when he refers to a well-known poet from the past, White's words can be clearly understood by all who struggle through this 'one salt hour between two eternities.''' -- Charles Johnson, Home News Tribune, East Brunswick, New Jersey ''Full of striking poems... White's style is formal, learned and elegant.'' -- Minneapolis Star Tribune ''Abundant with beaches, sails, and spray, these poems celebrate both the seductiveness and the destructive power of the sea, letting the fact of its unpredictability become a metaphor for human behavior.'' -- ForeWord ADVANCE PRAISE ''J. P. White's The Salt Hour is a triumph of poetic art and artifice in which he plies the seas of actuality and imagination in a book packed with distinctive and memorable poetry-poetry worth rereading.'' - George Core, editor, Sewanee Review ''J. P. White is a poet of grace, authority, and accomplishment, who aims for a hard, clean style. He is blessedly indifferent to the whims of poetic fashion, and again and again arrives at the hard-word eloquence from which the most enduring lyrics must be formed. White is also a richly various poet, elegiac, political, and literary by turns... The Salt Hour is a very fine collection indeed.'' - David Wojahn