''Monica M. Emerich treats seriously the green culture and contextualizes the social changes that have repositioned such products as central to public discourse about capitalism and the material production of spirituality. Scholars of media, religion, and cultural studies will relish this stimulating book, the first of its kind.'' --Claire Hoertz Badaracco, author of Prescribing Faith: Medicine, Media and Religion in American Culture ''The Gospel of Sustainability fits in well with expanding research in the areas of faith, media, and the marketplace. LOHAS already is a significant influencing group and it seems to be growing. There are no other books addressing this topic that I am aware of. Moreover, Monica M. Emerich does not just cover the market. She explains how LOHAS has evolved through the nexus of communication, consumer products, and spirituality.''--Mara Einstein, author of Brands of Faith: Marketing and Religion in a Commercial Age