""Sheds light on understudied but timely phenomena at the intersection of race and U.S. foreign relations and does so in new and exciting ways. Expands the chronological and thematic scopes of existing works, making it truly original. I am convinced that this book will intervene in many scholarly conversations for years to come by offering something truly unique.""--George White Jr., author of Holding the Line: Race, Racism, and American Foreign Policy toward Africa, 19531961 ""The essays presented in African Americans in U.S. Foreign Policy raise important questions and provide insightful answers to them through rigorous archival and interpretive methods. The end result is a book that significantly advances our understanding of African Americans in the U.S. foreign policy-making arena. This outstanding book should be read widely by scholars of history, African American Studies, and political science.""--Alvin B. Tillery Jr., author of Between Homeland and Motherland: Africa, U.S. Foreign Policy, and Black Leadership in America