The Ecology of the Spoken Word


Amazonian Storytelling and the Shamanism among the Napo Runa

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By Michael Uzendoski, Edith Felicia Calapucha-Tapuy
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Michael A. Uzendoski is a professor in the Department of Anthropology, History, and Humanities at the Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO), Ecuador, and the author of The Napo Runa of Amazonian Ecuador. Edith Felicia Calapucha-Tapuy is a native of Napo, Ecuador, and a translator of Napo Quichua stories and songs.

"Ought to adorn the shelves not only of Amazonianists and ethnomusicologists, but also of anyone, anthropologist or otherwise, who is interested in the history and practice of story-telling in all its various, equally beautiful and equally valid forms."--Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute "An enlightening contribution for anyone interested in storytelling, Amazonian culture, or Quichua language."--Journal of Folklore Research "A fascinating and successful study of an oral tradition, with implications far beyond the Amazonian context."--Anthropology Review Database "The Ecology of the Spoken Word is one of the most successful attempts to communicate the beauty and untranslatability of mythology to emerge from Amazonian ethnography."--Journal of the Anthropological Society of Oxford "The Ecology of the Spoken Word makes a very significant contribution to the fields of Amazonian Quichua ethnoaesthetics and linguistic culture. The work is stimulating, exciting, and provocative, and the documentation is excellent. This book will be useful to cultural anthropologists and others interested in applied education and public policy-related disciplines because it helps clarify how knowledge is conceived by the Quichua people."--Janis B. Nuckolls, author of Lessons from a Quechua Strongwoman: Ideophony, Dialogue, and Perspective "This work is exceptional for its depth of understanding and the details of presentation. The authors offer a new take on orality and storytelling by addressing debates in orality versus literacy and connecting them with South Americanist anthropology of indigenous cosmology, translation studies, verse-analysis, and ethnopoetics."--Alexander D. King, author of Living with Koryak Traditions: Playing with Culture in Siberia

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