A desperately needed contribution to political education for those citizens and political pundits seeking to gain a better understanding of the impact of the latest massive shift in economic and political power and struggling to overcome the antidemocratic consequences of the concentration of wealth and power in the hands of so few. In combining sure theoretical and conceptual political and historical analysis with example after example and case study after case study of rising plutocrats and their political minions reshaping our body politic, Formisano strips away the myths and illusions of mainstream apologists of our present state and illuminates the changing face of political-economic power in America that no previous work has managed so far to achieve. While not for the faint of heart, it speaks loudly and boldly to those progressive forces searching for avenues of renewal for our current political plight.--Ernest J. Yanarella, author of North American Auto Unions in Crisis: Lean Production as Contested Terrain