"In most academic studies of post-9/11 war reporting, the challenges and risks that the conflict correspondents' face often get insufficient attention. Lindsay Palmer's pioneering and commendable study fills a gap in journalism scholarship. Highly recommended."--Daya Kishan Thussu, author of News as Entertainment: The Rise of Global Infotainment
"Covering a war means going to places torn by chaos, destruction and death,' the late foreign correspondent Marie Colvin observed, 'and trying to bear witness' in order to 'find the truth in a sandstorm of propaganda.' Lindsay Palmer's book honors this commitment, offering us a rigorously perceptive assessment of war reporting over the first decade since the September 11 attacks. Its case studies draw upon analyses of the news coverage, as well as extensive interviews with correspondents and their editors, to present important insights into what gets reported, how and why. Essential reading."--Stuart Allan, author of Photojournalism and Citizen Journalism: Co-operation, Collaboration and Connectivity