"A dispassionate and well-reasoned argument. None of the other books on the 'boy crisis in schools' or 'pushout of girls in schools' or 'myths about the black male crisis' deal in such a devoted fashion with both the case of all-black male schools and philosophy."--Tiffany Willoughby-Herard, author of Waste of a White Skin: The Carnegie Corporation and the Racial Logic of White Vulnerability
"In this brilliant study of the All-Black-Male-School Movement, Keisha Lindsay makes a critical contribution to contemporary policy debates, demonstrating how mistaken notions about the immediate grasp of oppressive experience lead social justice activists seriously astray, while also theorizing political means to alter institutional practices and structures of power toward more progressive ends."--Mary Hawkesworth, author of Embodied Power: Demystifying Disembodied Politics
"For anyone who worries about the vexed relationship of race, gender, and justice in American schools, Keisha Lindsay's A Classroom of Their Own is a revelation. Lindsay offers an intersectional interpretation of the politics of all-male black schools and builds on the work of political theorists, activists, and education specialists to envision educational reforms that advance the well-being of all children."--Lawrie Balfour, author of Democracy's Reconstruction: Thinking Politically with W. E. B. Du Bois