“Ricardo Quinones has written an engaging, provocative, and insightful study of the role of foundation sacrifice in Dante's Divine Comedy. Indeed, this act or event functions as a leitmotif and joins the three canticles of Dante's poem together in a comparative/contrastive relationship that is spectacular, dynamic, dramatic, and informative. This important dimension of the poem is perhaps one of the very few that has not yet been studied in any systematic and inclusive manner. Quinones provides us with a rich and valuable reading that allows us to grasp the wonderful web of allusions and references that Dante has woven into his textual fabric. We are impressed by the aptness of Quinones's commentary, by his excellent, finely tuned critical sensitivity to the text, and by the magisterial ease with which he moves from topic to topic, never losing sight of the goal.”
—Christopher Kleinhenz, University of Wisconsin