List of Figures
List of Tables
1. Electoral Realignments and Pennsylvania from the
Civil War, Through the New Deal, and into the Early
Twenty-First Century
2. Presidential Electoral Change in the Nation and in
Pennsylvania Since 1960
3. Electoral Competition in Pennsylvania from 1962 to 1990: An Examination of Gubernatorial and U.S. Senate Elections
4. Electoral Competition in Pennsylvania from 1991 to 2004: An Examination of Gubernatorial and U.S. Senate Elections
5. Post-1960 Electoral Patterns in the Keystone State: A Detailed Analysis of Voting Trends
6. The Pennsylvania Electorate: Insights from Public Opinion Surveys and Exit Polls
7. The Future of Pennsylvania Politics: The 2006 Election and Beyond
Postscript: The 2008 Election
Appendix A: Correlations of Pennsylvania County-Level Election Returns
Appendix B: Interest-Group Ratings of Major
Pennsylvania Politicians
Appendix C: Tables Supporting the Pennsylvania Factor Analyses
Appendix D: Census Demographic Data on Pennsylvania's Sixty-Seven Counties
Appendix E: Pennsylvania Party Registration and Turnout Data
Bibliographical Essay