List of Illustrations
Introduction, Alina Payne
I. Epistemic Images
1 Epistemic Images, Lorraine Daston
2 Drawing as an Instrument of Knowledge: The Case of Conrad Gessner, Sachiko Kusukawa
3 Aesthetic Appreciation of Nature in Early Modern Science, Catherine Wilson
II. Seeing the Unseeable
4 Leonardo’s Point, Frank Fehrenbach
5 Beyond the Eye: Observing the Unseen in Mathematics and Architecture, Alina Payne
6 Dante’s Eyes and the Abysses of Seeing: Poetical Optics and Concepts of Images in the Divine Comedy, Gerhard Wolf
7 The Invisible Element in Art: Dürer, Shakespeare, Donne, Carla Mazzio
III. The Painter’s Brush and the Mind’s Eye
8 “Art on the Tip of the Brush”: A Blind Manœuvre? Reflections on Correggio’s Brush, Arent de Gelder’s Spatula, and Pietro Testa’s Figure of Practice, Nicola Suthor
9 White Earth, or How to Cultivate Color in the Field of Painting: Still Life and Baroque Color Theory, Karin Leonhard
10 Counterfeit Chimeras: Early Modern Theories of the Imagination and the Work of Art, Claudia Swan
IV. Looking Back: From Photography and Film to Alberti
11 Sculpture Before Photography, Michael Cole
12 From Alberti’s Finestra Aperta to Hitchcock’s Rear Window: Avatars of the Scopic Drive in Painting and Film, Victor I. Stoichita
List of Contributors