E. Johanna Hartelius
Part 1 Activism and Public Campaigns
1 Facing Ghosts, God, and Nature: Affect, Naturalization, and the “No Más Cruces” Border Campaign
Terence Check and Christine Jasken
2 Faithful Sovereignty: Denationalizing Immigration Policy in the 2003 Pastoral Letter on Migration
Anne Teresa Demo
3 Protecting LGBT Migrants: The Rhetoric of Identity and the Expansion of the Prison-Industrial Complex
Karma R. Chávez
Part 2 Identity Struggles and DREAMers
4 Dropping the “I-Word”: A Critical Examination of Contemporary Immigration Labels
Claudia Anguiano
5 “American” Children’s Success and Global Competitiveness: The Racial Paradox of Bilingualism as Cultural Capital
Dina Gavrilos
6 Documenting Dreams: A Rhetorical Performance of Inclusive Citizenship and Collaborative Expertise
Yazmin Lazcano-Pry
Part 3 (Hi)stories of Exclusion
7 Constituting Enemies Through Fear: The Rhetoric of Exclusionary Nationalism in the Control of “Un-American” Immigrant Populations
Emily Ironside and Lisa M. Corrigan
8 Defining the Right Sort of Immigrant: Theodore Roosevelt and American Character
Jay P. Childers
9 Immigration as Histories of Mob-ility: Personal Storytelling in the Where Are You From? Project
Alessandra B. Von Burg
Part 4 Affect and Media Imagery
10 Battling Identity Warfare on the Imagined US/México Border: Performing Migrant Alien in Independence Day and Battle: Los Angeles
Michael Lechuga
11 Affect, Emotion, and Immigration Rhetoric, or What Happens When a Minuteman Lives with Unauthorized Immigrants?
J. David Cisneros
Afterword: Tracking the “Shifting Borders” of Identity and Otherness; Productive Complications and Ethico-Political Commitments
D. Robert DeChaine
About the Contributors