Table of Contents
Steve Schlozman
Lorenzo Servitje and Sherryl Vint
Lorenzo Servitje
Diagnosing Zombie Culture
1. Don’t Point that Gun at My Mum: Geriatric Zombies
Gerry Canavan
2. Viral Virulence, Postmodern Zombies, and the American Healthcare Enterprise in the Antibiotic Age
Kari Nixon
3. “The Cure Has Killed Us All”: Dramatizing Medical Ethics through Zombie and Period Fiction Tropes in The New Deadwardians
Tully Barnet and Ben Kooyman
Reading the Zombie Metaphor
4. The Walking Med: Zombies, Comics, and Medical Education
Michael Green, Daniel George, and Darryl Wilkinson
5. Zombie Toxins: Abjection and Cancer’s chemicals
Juliet McMullin
6. Administering the Crisis: Zombies and Public Health in the 28 Days Later Comic Series
Sherryl Vint
Visualizing Medical Zombies
7. Blurred Lines and Human Objects: The Zombie Art of George Pfau
Sarah Juliet Lauro
8. Open Up a Few Zombie Brains: Objectivity, Medical Visuality, Brain Imaging in The Zombie Autopsies
Lorenzo Servitje
9. The Anorexic as Zombie Witness: Illness and Recovery in Katie Green’s Lighter Than My Shadow
Dan Smith