Beverly Bailis is Assistant Professor of Modern Jewish Literature and Director of Academic Planning and Assessment at The Jewish Theological Seminary. David Stern is Harry Starr Professor of Classical and Modern Jewish and Hebrew Literature and Professor of Comparative Literature at Harvard University.
Acknowledgements American Hebraist: An Introduction David Stern 1. Agnon's Childhood 2. Agnon in Jaffa: The Myth of the Artist as a Young Man 3. Agnon Without End 4. In the Seas of Youth 5. On "The Sense of Smell" by S. Y. Agnon 6. Reading Ha?azanim 7. Writing About Ourselves: Jewish Autobiography, Modern and Premodern 8. Ahad Ha-Am and the Essay: The Vicissitudes of Reason 9. Sefer Ha'aggadah: Triumph or Tragedy? 10. Israeli Literature in the Minds of American Readers 11. Haim Gouri at 90 12. Viva Voce: Vicissitudes of the Spoken Word in Hebrew Literature 13. Knocking on Heaven's Gate: Hebrew Literature and Wisse's Canon 14. Modern Hebrew Literature and Jewish Theology: Repositioning the Question 15. Hebrew in America: A Memoir Epilogue: Packing Up an Office; The Work of Mourning and the Creation of an Archive (263) Beverly Bailis