EDITORIAL PREFACE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY GLOSSARY 1. INTRODUCTION 2. SCOPE OF THIS REPORT 3. BASIC CONCEPTS AND GOALS UNDERLYING PROTECTION FOR A GEOLOGICAL DISPOSAL OF RADIOACTIVE WASTE 3.1. Concepts underlying the ICRP principles for protecting future generations 3.1.1. Basic concepts for the protection of future generations 3.1.2. Basic ICRP principles dealing with future generations 3.2. Geological disposal: objective and implementation steps 3.2.1. Strategies for the management of long-lived solid radioactive waste 3.2.2. Phases of a disposal facility and the safety analysis process 3.2.3. Relevant timeframes for radiological protection 4. APPLICATION OF THE ICRP SYSTEM OF PROTECTION DURING DIFFERENT TIMEFRAMES IN THE LIFE OF A GEOLOGICAL DISPOSAL FACILITY 4.1. The application of the principles "justification", "limitation", and "optimisation" 4.2. Dose and risk concepts 4.3. Exposure situations associated with geological disposal 4.3.1. Exposure Situations for the Operational Phase 4.3.2. Exposure Situations for the Post-Operational Phase 4.3.3. Natural disruptive events 4.3.4. Inadvertent human intrusion 4.3.5. Summary of relevant exposure situation according oversight 4.4. Optimisation, Best Available Techniques and management principles 4.4.1. Optimisation and Best Available Techniques 4.4.2. Technical and management principles and requirements 5. ENDPOINT CONSIDERATIONS 5.1 The Representative Person 5.2. Protection of the environment 6. CONCLUSION REFERENCES