Preface Section One: Transformation in Life Experiences 1.Transformational Cultural, Religious, and Spiritual Experiences by Ria Baker 2.Perceptions of New Mothers and New Professors in Academia: Stories from the Front Lines by Laura Dawson-Fend and Leigh Green 3.Meaningful Turning Points: A Narrative Exploration of How I Became a Counselor Educator by Tamara Hinojosa 4.History Impacts Reality: How Parental Divorce Affected My Beliefs about Commited Relationships, and What I Decided to Do About It by Veronica I. Johnson 5.Life's BIG Decisions: Should I Start a Family While Pursuing an Advanced Degree by Angie Smith Section Two: Transformation in Relational Experiences (Self and Others) 6.Critical Moments in Personal and Professional Development: Searching for a Sense of Belonging by Charles C. Edwards 7.From the Inside Out: Dealing Effectively with Client Anger by Kevin A. Fall 8.Becoming a Puerto Rican Counselor: How my Twins Served as My Ethnic Mirrors by Anna Flores Locke 9.Confronting the Impostor: Addressing Anxiety and Self-Doubt as a Counselor by Shaywanna Harris 10.In My Skin by Jacqueline S. Hodes 11.The Invitation of a Dying Man by Drew Krafcik 12.Embracing the Dark by Laura Thompson 13.Crossing Borders: Understanding the Muslim Experience from a Non-Muslim Perspective by Cheryl P. Wolf 14.Integrating the Dark With the Light: Learning From a Professional Sanction by Jane A Warren Section Three: Transformation in Training Experiences 15.The Laws of Aerodynamics Don't Pertain to Bumble Bees by Nicole Arcuri 16.Planting Seeds, Blossoming Careers, and Birkenstocks by Angela Colistra 17.School Counselors and Illness-Related Trauma: Personal Reflections from an African Outreach Experience by Eric Davis 18.Creative Arts in Clinical Supervision by Kelly Dunbar Davison 19.Research Mentoring: An Empowering Process for the Protege and Mentor by Jessica Headley and Varunee Faii Sangganjanavanich 20.Better Together: A Personal Exploration of a Co-Counselor Relationship by Christy W. Land and Lauren J. Moss 21.My Process and Development through Group Process by Greg Meyer 22.Counselor, Know Thyself by Sudha Nagarajan 23.Learning Not to Work Harder Than Your Clients by Alyson Pompeo-Fargnoli 24.To Walk in Humility: Lesson Learned in Indian Country by John Yasenchak About the Authors