Acknowledgments Introduction Dustin Gish and Christopher Constas The Idea of Excellence in Higher Education The Rough Magic of Liberal Arts Education: Shakespeare's The Tempest David Southward Friendship and Excellence: Bringing out the Best within Us Carrie-Ann Biondi Socratic Perplexity and Communal Arete: Turning with Socrates to the Wisdom of the Generations Susan O. Bachman and James V. Bachman Teaching the Truth of Tragedy: Euripides' Bacchae James M. Kee Classical Liberal Learning and the Integrative Habit of Mind Dominic A. Aquila Excellence through the Ages (and the Canon) The Mast and the Cosmos: The Roman Origins of the Liberal Arts Tradition in Cicero's Dream of Scipio Robert E. Proctor Excellence Redefined: Cicero and the Heroic Ethics William Stull Excellence and the Arthurian Ideal in Tennyson's Idylls of the King Charlotte England A Claim for the Less Than Excellent Life: Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice Samuel Ajzenstat Descartes and the Great Books: Homelessness as Excellence Samuel A. Stoner Faustian Striving, the Quest for Excellence, and the Search for Meaning Erik Liddell Plato's Apology of Socrates and King's "Letter from Birmingham City Jail": Excellence in Civic Engagement David Faldet Core Texts on Excellence and Education Ancients Resisting the Dissolution of the Body Politic in Euripides' Bacchae: A Corporeal Condition for the Pursuit of Excellence Dustin Gish The Divided Soul in Platonic and Aristotelian Philosophy Lorraine Pangle Moderation and the Best Life: The Education of Glaucon in Plato's Republic Alan Pichanick Love of Wisdom or Wisdom of Love as a Pursuit of Excellence in Plato's Symposium Amy S. Bush The Love of Beauty and the Pursuit of Excellence: What Plato's Phaedrus Teaches about Teaching Margaret I. Hughes Moderns A Sound Mind in a Sound Body: John Locke on Education Trevor Shelley Both Man and Citizen: Introducing Rousseau's Emile Joshua A. Shmikler Forced to Be Free? Rousseau's Social Contract Jon Rick Core Rhetoric: Lincoln's First and Second Inaugural Addresses Leslie G. Rubin Nietzsche's Question: A Reading of Beyond Good and Evil, Aphorism #1 Matthew K. Davis John Dewey's Faith in Progress: An Impediment to Liberal Education Luigi Bradizza Expanding the Core in the Name of Excellence The Sand Reckoner: Archimedes' Exploration of Large Numbers Samuel R. Kaplan Space, Time, and Place in Newton's Principia and Aristotle's Physics Brian Schwartz Darwin's Descent of Man and the Study of Science from a Liberal Arts Perspective Daniel J. McKaughan Las Casas's In Defense of the Indians: Can a Just War Be Waged against Barbarians? Peter Diamond Connecting the Good and the Beautiful in Plato and Aldo Leopold Craig Condella Inculturation and Global Core Curricula: Primer for Youth (Tongmong sonsup ) as a Korean Core Text James Jinhong Kim Religious Difference and Multiculturalism in the Liberal Arts: Reading Eboo Patel Reading Core Texts and Courses Wilson C. Chen Plenary Addresses on Excellence in Education After the Fall: An Historical Reappraisal of Liberal Education (Everything Has to Change, If Things Are to Stay the Same) John Dowling Age of Freedom-Education for Freedom: How Can Kant Speak to Us Today? G. Felicitas Munzel