Foreword - John Snarey The Next Generation of Work on Fathering PART ONE: BUILDING A PERSPECTIVE OF GENERATIVE FATHERING Beyond the Role-Inadequacy Perspective of Fathering - Alan J Hawkins and David C Dollahite Fatherwork - David C Dollahite, Alan J Hawkins and Sean E Brotherson A Conceptual Ethic of Fathering as Generative Work An Institutional Perspective on Generative Fathering - Kathleen Gerson Creating Social Supports for Parenting Equality An African Amercian Perspective on Generative Fathering - William D Allen and Michael Connor Generative Fathering - Robert L Griswold An Historical Perspective PART TWO: EXPLORING GENERATIVE FATHERING IN CHALLENGING CIRCUMSTANCES Generative Ingenuity in Fatherwork with Young Children with Special Needs - Sean E Brotherson and David C Dollahite Teen Dads - J Lyn Rhoden and Bryan E Robinson A Generative Fathering Perspective versus the Deficit Myth Generative Fathering after Divorce and Remarriage - Kay Pasley and Carmelle Minton Beyond the `Disappearing Dad' Single Custodial Fathers and Their Children - Alfred DeMaris and Geoffrey L Greif When Things Go Well Men and Women Cocreating Father Involvement in a Nongenerative Culture - Anna Dienhart and Kerry Daly PART THREE: ENCOURAGING THE APPLICATION OF GENERATIVE FATHERING IN PRACTICE AND SCHOLARSHIP Promoting Generative Fathering through Parent and Family Education - Glen F Palm A Generative Narrative Approach to Clinical Work with Fathers - Anna Dienhart and David C Dollahite Reconstructing `Involvement' - Rob Palkovitz Expanding Conceptualizations of Men's Caring in Contemporary Families The Best of Times and the Worst of Times - William J Doherty Fathering as a Contested Arena of Academic Discourse Questions and Activities for Teaching about Generative Fathering in University Courses - David C Dollahite, Stephanie N Morris and Alan J Hawkins