PART ONE: PROLOGUE: HEARING THE PROBLEM Sharing My Story - K J Rape - Patrick Letellier Personal Story - Curt Rogers PART TWO: LEGAL PERSPECTIVES Twice Abused - Evan Fray-Witzer Same-Sex Domestic Violence and the Law Equal Protection/Equal Safety - Sandra E Lundy Representing Victims of Same-Sex Partner Abuse in Court Creating Courtroom Accessibility - Andrea Cabral and Diane Coffey PART THREE: ORGANIZING COALITIONS / BUILDING COMMUNITIES History, Culture and Identity - Charlene Allen and Beth Leventhal What Makes GLBT Battering Different Lesbians Organizing Lesbians Against Battering - Ann Russo HIV and Same-Sex Domestic Violence - Bea Hanson and Terry Maroney Six Steps - Curt Rogers Organizing Support Services and Safe-Home Networks for Battered Gay Men Lesbians and Bisexual Women Working Cooperatively to End Domestic Violence - Beth Crane et al Coalition Building 'Til It Hurts - Jennifer Margulies Creating Safety Around S/M and Battering Woman-to-Woman Battering on College Campuses - Tonja Santos Domestic Violence Among Same-Sex Partners in the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Communities in Puerto Rico - Jose Toro-Alfonso Approaching the Issue A `New Kind' of Battered Woman - Martha Lucia Garcia Challenges for the Movement Battered Bisexual Women - Sarah Sulis PART FOUR: PROVIDING SERVICES An Argument for Separate Services - Jennifer Grant Assessing the Lesbian Victim - Alma Banda Goddard and Tara Hardy 1 in 3 of 1 in 10 - Gregory S Merrill Sexual and Dating Violence Prevention Groups for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgendered Youth Groups for Gay and Bisexual Male Survivors of Domestic Violence - Robb Johnson Running Batterers Groups for Lesbains - Susan Cayouette