Introduction - Amia Lieblich The Discursive Construction of Personality - Pertti Alasuutari National Identity or Multicultural Autobiography - Gabriele Rosenthal Arbiters of Female Purity - Susan Starr Sered Conversations with Israeli Ritual Bath Attendants Going Straight - Shadd Maruna Desistance from Crime and Life Narratives of Reform Soldiers' Narratives of Selective Moral Resistance - Ruth Linn A Separate Position of the Connected Self? Loneliness in Cultural Context - Jane A Bennett and Daniel F Detzner A Look at the Life History of Older Southeast Asian Refugee Women Lost in the Fifties - Jannelle L Wilson A Study of Collected Memories Adolescence, Gender and the Development of Mental Health - Phame M Camarena, Pamela A Sarigiani and Anne C Petersen In Search of Resilience in Adult Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse - Jacquelyn Boone James, Joan Huser Liem and Joan Gately O'Toole Linking Outlets for Power Motivation to Psychological Health