Introduction - Ruthellen Josselson In Acknowledgment - June Price A Review and Critique of Qualitative Research Techniques Autobiography and the Value Structures of Ordinary Experience - Paul John Eakin Marianne Gullestad's Everyday Life Philosophers `Black Holes' as Sites for Self-Constructions - Harriet Bjerrum Nielsen An Interpretive Poetics of Languages of the Unsayable - Annie G Rogers et al Gender, Generation, Anxiety, and the Reproduction of Culture - Wendy Holloway and Tony Jefferson The Recruitment of Women into the Academic Elite in Israel - Beverly Mizrachi Anna's Narrative Powerful Stories - Tineke A Abma The Role of Stories in Sustaining and Transforming Professional Practice within a Mental Hospital Writing as Performance - Barbara Crowther Young Girls' Diaries Ding Ling and Miss Sophie's Diary - Dora Shu-fang Dien A Psychobiographical Study of Adolescent Identity Formation Love Stories in Sexual Autobiographies - Elina Haavio-Mannila and J P Roos